Underground(UST) & Aboveground (AST) Installation & Removal
Earth Resource Group (ERG) is an experienced Nevada petroleum contractor whose highly trained personnel can quickly and safely provide UST/AST installation and removal services for tanks of any size. Our staff is OSHA-trained and NDEP certified which gives our clients the added peace of mind they need to know their project will be handled properly from start to finish by qualified professionals.
ERG has removed underground storage tanks in various location in Nevada and Arizona. Tanks have been located at military, industrial and commercial sites, airports, schools, hospitals and residential properties. We have extensive experience with challenging installations and removals due to their proximity to foundations, underground obstructions, utilities, or high groundwater conditions. Our services include:
Underground Tank Removal Services
- UST Installation and System Design
- UST Removal
- AST System Installation
- UST Testing Services
- UST Operator Training
- UST Leak Detection & Monitor
- UST Remediation Systems
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Projects Completed Include:
- NV Energy
- Las Vegas Hotels and Casinos
- Western Area Power Administration
- Department of Energy
- Las Vegas Paving
- Tronox
- Independent Service Station Owner

Earth Resource Group has extensive experience constructing remediation systems of all sizes and variations. We can complete well installations, trenching, subsurface or above-grade piping, manifolding of remediation piping, connections to remediation equipment, equipment installation, electrical panel construction and connection, system optimization and much more. We have experience constructing systems for vapor and water treatment using equipment such as granular activated carbon, air stripping units, water storage tanks, filters, and blowers. Our services include:
- Complete Underground Installations
- Soil Vapor Extraction Systems
- Air Sparge
- Bioventing
- Active and Passive Free Product Recovery
- Ground Water Pump and Treat
- In-situ Bioenzyme Application
- In-situ Chemical Oxidation Application

Earth Resource Group is a full-service consulting firm specializing in the inspection and testing of various property hazards such as asbestos, lead-based paint, mold, bacteria and other environmental issues within government, commercial and residential properties throughout Nevada and Arizona. Our staff consists of licensed and certified inspectors committed to providing an industry leading service to our customers utilizing state-of-the-art methodology and equipment. Our team has years of expertise in the trade and has a reputation you can rely on.

Asbestos & Lead Based Paint Abatement
Asbestos abatement is the regulated process of safely removing asbestos containing materials, primarily from older buildings or structures, through the use of specific work practices and engineering controls.
Asbestos is the name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally in the environment as bundles of fibers which can be separated into thin, durable threads. These fibers are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals and do not conduct electricity. For these reasons, asbestos has been widely used in a variety of building products through the late 1970s and beyond. Common products that may have been made with asbestos include insulation, soundproofing, HVAC insulation, pipe coverings, acoustic spray or “popcorn” ceilings, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, wallboard joint compound, and roofing and siding shingles.
Why is asbestos abatement so vitally important? If damaged asbestos-containing materials are not properly removed by an asbestos abatement company, they can endanger your life and the lives of others who come into contact with asbestos dust, fibers, or raw asbestos materials.
ERG’s first concern is the safety of our abatement crew and building occupants. From management through technicians, our staff collectively maintains numerous certifications in their respective fields. Every project receives a dedicated team with the experience, training, equipment and methods to get the job done safely. Our experience covers every aspect of asbestos abatement, including commercial, residential, industrial and institutional settings in the Las Vegas Valley. ERG has a substantial work force of AHERA Certified Abatement Supervisors & Workers, monitored by a medical surveillance and respiratory protection program. Our team provides a wide range of expertise which allows us to handle any task in a safe and effective manner.
ERG will develop a comprehensive approach for asbestos abatement services which may include:
- Design estimates or proposals for your asbestos project
- Development of asbestos health and safety work plan
- Management of actual asbestos abatement, demolition and related services
- Tracking and compilation of all asbestos waste manifests
Earth Resource Group understands the removal of asbestos containing materials in your home or office can be alarming for various reasons. ERG also understands most asbestos abatement projects are disruptive to you and to a larger project you may be taking on. Rest assured that ERG will work diligently to be quick and efficient, without ever sacrificing safety or compliance.
Lead-Based Paint:
Earth Resource Group specializes in the removal and disposal of lead and have the expertise to safely handle any lead situation.
Our team at ERG will establish a detail of work including start and stop locations, square footage, and other tangible points of delineating the quantity of removal. Additionally, proper removal of Lead will greatly impact the infected structure owner’s financial liability.
There are various ways to deal with lead contamination:
- Enclosure: This can be the easiest of all methods. The lead paint is covered with a wall covering. This is typically done for large surfaces such as walls.
- Replacement: This method involves completely removing the door, window or molding that is covered in lead paint and replacing it with a new one.
- Paint Removal: This method involves completely removing the lead paint. This will create lead dust and should be performed by a certified professional.
- Encapsulation: This method not only covers but seals the affected area with a specific coating. This is less expensive but cannot be used on all surfaces.
Earth Resource Group is committed to ensuring the safety of lead remediation workers and the general public who may be exposed to lead levels during abatement by reducing all lead exposure levels to below the OSHA Action Level and Permissible Exposure Limit.
We are confident ERG will be the clear choice for your asbestos or lead-based paint abatement project.

Earth Resource Group has extensive experience providing innovative diving and ROV solutions for complex projects. Assisting a wide range of markets, ERG offers tailored and integrated marine solutions to satisfy its clients’ exacting needs, ensuring an on-time and within-budget delivery.
Our ROV services include:

Marine Salvage
Earth Resource Group is fully licensed and insured to provide safe, efficient and environmentally safe marine salvage and is federally licensed to recover vessels in Lake Mead, Nevada. Whether it’s a lost piece of equipment in relatively shallow water or a full vessel recovery at great depths, ERG has the personnel and equipment to handle all of your recovery needs.

Marine Dive Services
At ERG, our crew of experienced divers can provide many services which includes full service commercial diving for all types of conditions, depths and durations including confined spaces and hazardous materials for construction, environmental, survey and inspection work.
Our services include:
Video Surveys
- Depending on the type of survey, ERG can provide a range of CCTV systems to suit each individual requirement. When conditions permit, video surveys will often allow the client to view the diving operation live and verbally communicate with the diver.
- Underwater cutting & welding
- Underwater removal of sand/silt/debris
- Search & Recovery
- Reservoir Maintenance
Earth Resource Group can provide full environmental services for marine environments. We are well equipped for operations both above and below the water line and can provide services to virtually 100 fathoms of fresh or salt water.